Reuben Ng, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Lead Scientist at the Lloyd's Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk, National University of Singapore (NUS). He is concurrently at the University of Pennsylvania, serving as a Harkness Fellow in Healthcare Policy and Practice—the first from Asia since the fellowship started in 1925. Dr. Ng is an expert in ageism, social gerontology, and quantitative social sciences and is credited with creating innovative techniques to measure societal perceptions that are applied to strategic policy communications. Ageism is the discrimination of older adults based on their age and the negative portrayals of older adults as derived from age-based stereotypes centered on illness, irrelevance, and incompetence. The insidious consequences of ageism on health prompted 194 member countries to collectively work through the World Health Organization on a global campaign to combat ageism. Join us as Dr. Ng discusses innovative methods in analyzing the historical narratives of aging over 200 years, contemporary media portrayals of older adults, and strategies to reframe aging.
Center for Health System Sustainability
Decoding the Narratives of Aging: What analyzing historical and contemporary media portrayals of older adults can tell us about strategies to reframe aging
Brown University School of Public Health’s Center for Health System Sustainability (CHeSS), in collaboration with the Information Futures Lab, is pleased to announce that Dr. Reuben Ng will kick off our seminar series.
Today, March 28, 2024
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: 901 Conference Room
