Liana Woskie Ph.D.
Liana Woskie is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Health at Tufts University and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice at the Brown University School of Public Health. Liana evaluates health system performance and the degree to which systems are held accountable to patients. Her dissertation (not yet published) provides the first quantification of a World Health Organization human rights framework on eliminating coercive female sterilization. She generates contemporary estimates of the prevalence and drivers of uninformed tubal ligation and uses quasi-experimental methods to assess health policies that effect female sterilization practice patterns. Her project: "Quantifying Structural Violence: Female Sterilization and Normalized State Repression in Healthcare," was awarded a H. F. Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Award for research on causes and manifestations of violence against women and the Horowitz Foundation Trustees' Award for most innovative approach to theory and/or methodology.